佛光山住持心保和尚佛學講座 「禪的智慧」 The Wisdom of Chan - Dharma Talk by FGS Head Abbot

佛光山住持心保和尚佛學講座 「禪的智慧」 The Wisdom of Chan - Dharma Talk by FGS Head Abbot

佛學講座 Dharma Talk

Date and time

Thursday, September 26 · 7:30 - 9pm NZST


Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple

16 Stancombe Road Manukau, Auckland 2016 New Zealand

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

佛光山開山祖師星雲大師表示 「禪,是一種藝術的生活;禪,更是一種圓融的生命,自然天成的本來面目。如此美妙的禪,不只屬於寺院所有,也不僅僅是出家人所獨享,應該屬於每一個人、每一個家庭。生活裡,都需要禪的智慧、自在、率性與逍遙。」


請於7pm 準時入席。

The Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order, stated, "Chan is an art of living. Moreover, Chan is a harmonious and complete way of life, reflecting the true nature of things as they are. Such a wonderful Chan does not belong only to Temples, nor is it exclusively enjoyed by monastics; it should belong to everyone, to every family. In our lives, we all need the wisdom, freedom, spontaneity and tranquility of Chan."

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand is honoured to invite the Head Abbot of FGS Buddhist Order, Most Venerable HsinBau, to give a Dharma talk on "The Wisdom of Chan." Everyone is welcome to seize this rare opportunity to partake in the benefits of the Dharma.

Please kindly arrive by 7pm.

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