The Diversity Agenda: why we need more women in male dominated professions
By Women in Spatial NZ
Date and time
Wed, 24 Oct 2018 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM NZDT
Mezzanine Room, Wellington Library
65 Victoria St, Wellington Wellington, 6011 New ZealandDescription
Please come along to hear Bridgit Sissons (GM Diversity Agenda), talk about how the Diversity Agenda is driving new conversations, changing perceptions and helping create more inclusive workplaces in engineering and architecture and what that means for women in the spatial industry.
This event is kindly sponsored by SIBA
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm - Arrival, Lunch
12:30 - 12:35 pm - Health & Safety, Introductions
12:35 - 1:00 pm - Bridgit Sissons - The Diversity Agenda
1:00 pm - 1:25pm - Workshop - What are the issues facing women in the spatial industry
1:25 pm - 1:30 pm - Round up and Job Opportunities
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm - Coffee & Networking