Rheem training in Dunedin

Rheem training in Dunedin

Rheem product training is for registered trades, covering installation, commissioning, service and fault finding

By Rheem New Zealand

Date and time

Tue, 25 Mar 2025 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM NZDT


Dunedin Leisure Lodge - A Distinction Hotel

30 Duke Street Dunedin, Otago 9016 New Zealand


8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Introduction and part one

Introduction to Rheem, heat pump water heaters and detailed section for gas continuous flow

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Morning Tea

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Part two with QA

A discussion around hot water installation practices and safe temperatures. Ending the morning with a boiling water service session.

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

We're heading to Dunedin to deliver free local product training.

Rheem has increased the range of domestic heat pump water heaters so we'll cover the installation requirements to show why these are a great choice when replacing traditional hot water systems in many cases. Service and fault-finding is also more straight forward than previous models.

Our 16, 20 and 26 litre gas continuous flow units have also recieved a platform update, with better service manuals to help with fault-finding.

We'll cover general installation requirements to clear up some myths and confusion about hot water cylinder installation and warranty cover.

Finally we will end with a boiling water section to cover Lazer fault-finding which will also be helpful when dealing with underbench on-tap units and chillers.

Refreshments will be provided.

Please select the number of free tickets required as the event has limited numbers.
There's no need to print free tickets, your place is secure once booked!

Product detail links here:

Heat Pump water heating

Gas Continuous Flow

Lazer boiling water

Organised by

Fostering A Greater Degree of Good. Understanding hot water is what we do best. We hire and inspire our teams to be next-generation thinkers and responsible stewards of our industry, the greater community and the environment. Rheem is committed to making a difference with the products we create, for the people we serve and through the processes that drive us. Our 2025 global goal: train 250,000 trades people, contractors and key influencers on sustainable products or sustainable installation and recycling best practices.