Rangi Ruru PTA Parent Education Evening
Managing Emotions through this Pandemic
By Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Date and time
Tue, 10 Nov 2020 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM NZDT
Te Koraha Staffroom
59 Hewitts Road Christchurch, Canterbury 8014 New ZealandThank you for registering. Don't forget to email any questions you have for the evening to psychologists@rangiruru.school.nz.
Managing Emotions through this Pandemic
Te Koraha Staffroom
59 Hewitts Road Christchurch, Canterbury 8014 New ZealandHosted by the PTA, the evening is an opportunity to listen to our Psychologists and to ask them questions.
The focus will be on advice and tools for coping with stress, anxiety and change; regaining control when things feel out of control.
To help us tailor the evening to best answer your needs, please forward any questions you have by 2 November to: psychologists@rangiruru.school.nz.