Playcentre Aotearoa Grants Advisor one-on-one online clinics

I am holding one-on-one clinics every Wednesday for Playcentres across NZ.

By Te Whānau Tupu Ngātahi o Aotearoa - Playcentre Aotearoa

Date and time

Starts on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 2:00 PM PDT



About this event

Come and talk to Tonya (Grants Administrator - Playcentre Aotearoa) and get answers to the questions you have about your grant application. Appointments are available to discuss advice on where to apply, how to word your application, what to include with your application and any other questions you may have about grants.

There are appointments available every Wednesday. Register for one appointment, or multiple, depending on the help you need.

Once you have booked an appointment, I will be in contact with a Zoom link for the time and date that you have booked.

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