Join the Productivity Revolution!
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Join the Productivity Revolution!

Imagine boosting productivity by just 1 hour per day per employee. That’s an extra 6.5 weeks of productive output annually—at no extra cost!

Date and time

Wednesday, October 16 · 5:30 - 6:30am NZDT


No.4 Bar and Restaurant

4 Mansfield Avenue The Library Christchurch, Canterbury 8014 New Zealand

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Did you know? Kiwis work 45 minutes more daily than Australians and 9 weeks more annually than Brits. Yet, we’re ranked 23rd in global productivity.

Clearly, something isn’t adding up!While grand solutions like increased R&D, better education, and enhanced collaboration are often suggested, they require time and resources that many of us don’t have.

What if you could make a significant impact RIGHT NOW?

Here’s the kicker: On average, we’re only productive for 3 hours in an 8-hour workday.It’s not that our staff are lazy—they simply don’t know HOW to work productively.

The Solution? Let’s Teach Them!

Imagine boosting productivity by just 1 hour per day per employee. That’s an extra 6.5 weeks of productive output annually—without any additional costs!

It’s time to stop working harder and start working smarter.You’re invited to a Productivity Revolution.Join me and other forward-thinking business leaders for a dynamic 45-minute workshop.

We’ll cover:

  • Insights from my extensive business experience
  • The productivity-burnout-wellbeing triangle
  • Strategies to increase revenue through improved productivity
  • How Breaking Busy’s game-changing workshops can transform your team
  • Practical steps to supercharge your team's performance

Bonus: Enjoy complimentary beer or wine (or non-alcoholic drink) on me!

Seats are limited, so don’t miss out!

Feel free to share this with other visionary leaders eager to stay ahead of the curve.

Let’s break busy and build better businesses!

Organized by

We want to work with you to create permanent, positive change by developing proven, life long mental skills and processes that will impact your professional and personal lives in a sustainable and meaningful manner.

We don't TALK and LEAVE. Our goal is to change behaviour and we include accountability tasks and follow up in our courses and sessions.