Brassknocker Road Camp 2024

Brassknocker Road Camp 2024

Join us at Brassknocker Road Camp 2024 for a weekend of outdoor fun, worship, fellowship, teaching, and good times!

Date and time

Fri, 1 Nov 2024 3:00 PM - Sun, 3 Nov 2024 12:00 PM NZDT


Brassknocker Road

State Highway 85 Chatto Creek, Otago New Zealand

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 day 21 hours

Brassknocker Road Camp 2024

Calling all men, young and old! Come join us, bring your mates, your tent and sleeping bag for a weekend of adventure, excitement, worship and fellowship under the stars and amongst the hills of Central Otago.

Tickets are $99 for an individual or bring a group of four (family or friends) for $320 (a saving of $20 per person). Children under 5 free.

Brassknocker Road is a “Back to Basics” campsite located in the heart of Central Otago just 10 minutes from Alexandra. (refer below for directions)

As well as inspirational speakers, the weekend includes good food, times of worship, and a range of blokey activities.

For any questions please email or checkout

Travel to camp from Alexandra on SH85 Chatto Creek Springvale Road for about 10mins. Brassknocker Road is just past Kendall Road on the left. Alternately you can bypass Alexandra if coming from Clyde by taking Springvale Road and turning left onto SH85.

Friday Night: Registration, camp setup, light supper (have dinner beforehand). Saturday: Breakfast provided, Activities throughout the day, BBQ lunch provided Evening meal provided, Guest speaker and worship time. Bonfire fellowship weather dependent. Sunday: Breakfast provided, Church service, communion, wrap up and farewell @ 12pm


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