When: Wednesday 1 March, 4.30pm - 7.30pm
Where: Waikato University, Tauranga Campus, Te Manawaroa room.
What: Karanga mai, karanga mai, karanga mai ki ngā pakihi Māori me Pasifika e noho ana i Te Moana a Toi.
To our Māori and Pasifika businesses in the Bay of Plenty, we invite you to kōrero, kai me inu with Amotai Buyers and Suppliers at our Meet the Buyer Networking Event. Amotai in collaboration with Māori and Pasifika network organisations in the Bay are bringing together key organisations that are eager to connect with Māori and Pasifika owned businesses.
With the investment of $1.86 billion dollars in the BoP region through to 2030, there is significant opportunity for our Māori and Pasifika whānau to participate in regional development. The Buyer orgnisations attending our event are looking for Māori and Pasifika Suppliers to support them to deliver their local and/or central government contracts. Also in attendance will be the Whanake Whānau; Māori and Pasifika business support organisations that can support you in various ways.
Nau mai, haere mai e te iwi, kia kōrero, me wānanga, me whakawhanaunga tātou kei raro i tēnei kaupapa whakamīharo.